Law Firm Services
Mass Tort Scientific Consulting

Meticulous analyses for detailed drug effects and interactions to simplify and strengthen your case

At Celda consulting we believe in the power of science to make informed decisions. Our team of highly experienced scientists can provide detailed analyses of drug effects in patient populations, identify susceptible populations, develop drug-DNA and drug-drug interactions and identify causative and compounding mechanisms for your mass tort and multi district litigations. Celda’s team of internationally published scientists has experience across a broad range of disciplines including, but not limited to cancer, cardiovascular, muscle, metabolic and genetic diseases, and immunology.

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Medical Record Review

Offering comprehensive and client driven medical record review and analyses services

We offer comprehensive and fully customizable medical record review and analyses services to address your mass tort case requirements. We combine cutting edge technology with the expertise of skilled nurses and physicians to offer tailored solutions to your business needs.

Starting from medical record retrieval to detailed medical chronologies, summaries, medical opinions, and plaintiff fact sheets, you can choose from individual services or use our end to end medical record solutions for your mass torts.

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